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Enagic News

December 2020

Special Incentive Campaign for Inactive Enagic Independent Distributor

December 17, 2020


Dear Valued Members,

First and foremost, we would like to show our sincere gratitude to all of you for using our Enagic Leveluk series, and understanding our unique distributorship program. With your support and loyalty, we recently celebrated our 46th year anniversary, and our 30th year of launching Kangen Water Business.


Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been a challenging year financially for many people. However, we are proud that our Kangen Water has been spreading across the world rapidly, especially with the recognition of strong acidic water and its significance.Therefore, we are proposing a Special Incentive Campaign for distributors who have been inactive for over two years. This campaign is designed only for distributors who have been inactive for over 2 years. If you make a sale during this campaign period, you are qualified to receive an additional incentive. We hope this is a great opportunity for you to reactivate your status 

Last but not least, we always wish you the best physical, financial and mental health.

Reactivation Campaign Frequently Asked Questions

(Q.) Are Ukon DD and Sigma sale included in this campaign?

(A.) It will only be machines only this time.


(Q.) Is Leveluk R included in this campaign?

(A.) R is excluded.


(Q.) Is it okay if the purchaser is a Tokurei because there are sales below?

(A.) That is OK.  Bonus will be paid to sponsor of Tokurei.


(Q.) Is the timing of incentive payment and margin payment the same? Or is the frequency fixed at once a month?

(A.) HQ will provide payee with payment amount weekly.  Bonus payment will be informed to each branch in 7-8 days after end of week. We will announce first payment form Dec.1 to Dec. 12th on/around Dec. 18th. (So you can pay before Christmas)


(Q.) Will we get a list of who is eligible for the incentive? Or is each country (branch office) responsible for finding those eligible and processing the incentive payment?

(A.) Yes, HQ will inform to each branch.


(Q.) If an FA distributor becomes an enroller and has a sale further down, will the enroller be eligible for the incentive?

(A.) This campaign is only for direct sale. Enrollers are not eligible for the incentive.


(Q.) What if a 0A rank distributor makes a direct sale? In that case, will the inactive period start from the first day of its own purchase?

(A.) Correct.


(Q.) Is “Ukon Sigma self-purchase” eligible for the campaign?

(A.) This campaign is only for machines.

(Q.) For example, if you have a large distributor with multiple accounts, one of them may be inactive. If the one inactive account made a sale would it also be accounted for?

(A.) If the distributor has multiple accounts, they must have not made any direct sale for any of the accounts in the past 2 year.


 (Q.) For example, if the distributor had an Ukon DD account and decided to cancel the DD program, the status will change depending on your last direct sale before the Ukon DD. In that case, will the inactive period be determined by the most recent direct sale (before the Ukon DD cancelation)?

(A.) Yes. However, it needs to be a direct “machine” sale to be considered for the campaign. There must be a period of at least two years from the last direct sale.


(Q.) Do we need to submit forms for claiming incentives?

(A.) Yes, Accomplished Special Incentive Campaign for Reactivating Inactive Distributors FORM is required to be submitted to Enagic Philippines for claiming of incentives.

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